How To Achieve True Happiness Outer Body

Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 verse 30 says that deha i.e Gross Physical body which could be seen is governed by the living force i.e spirit soul – dehi the Possessor of the gross body. So, Vedas inform us of the concept of the Gross physical body and Spiritual soul. This combination is the cause of life.


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Vedas are the greatest and most profound authority on mind, intelligence, and consciousness. Srimad Bhagavad Gita, a part of Vedic Science imparts detailed knowledge on gross body, subtle mind, and intelligence. The present-day science gifts us details about the gross physical body and some hormones & chemicals connected with the mind at the most. But Srimad Bhagavad Gita has detailed information on subtle intelligence which is above the mind and the most subtle consciousness which pervades the whole body. The soul is the subtlest element that is completely transcendental and cannot be detected nor touched nor can be experimented on by any physical means known to present-day science.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita categorically informs us that the gross physical body is being possessed by the living force known as the soul. Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 13 specifically mentions that there is a physical body that is termed as “deha” and this body is possessed by the “dehi”. Thus, to fully understand human behaviour, relationships, psychology, and expectations we need to understand the science of the Gross body and Spiritual soul side by side and their relationship.

Science has made tremendous unbelievable progress to make our bodies comfortable. We have advanced forms of ultrasonic surgeries, nanotechnology, several gadgets and devices such as remote-controlled temperature, sensor-based chips, and spacecraft landing on the moon & mars. But all these are attempts to make our bodies comfortable. E.g. Cars, Air conditioners, Washing Machines, etc. make our bodies comfortable. But Vedas inform us about the Soul repeatedly. Complete knowledge must include knowledge about the soul and the gross body as well. Unfortunately, our Scientists and Universities do not have any knowledge about Soul. Hence despite all advancements that make life comfortable, they could only make the body comfortable, but life includes the body, mind, consciousness, and the soul too. Our team of trained consultants and mentors will support you and guide you to unfold the secrets of Vedic knowledge from an ancient Indian treasure house.

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